Wednesday, September 23, 2009


John Mijatovich was my first teacher after High School and in the arts. I had him in Digital Design at the C.C.S. summer camp. The first day he told us all that we were ARTISTS, I had never thought of myself as one. His speech about his career and love for the arts sent excitement through my soul and I knew that I was where I was supposed to be. He was always honest, always hard on us, and always loving.

From the beginning of our friendship we could have long conversations about life and he always made me want to work harder in life while enjoying and appreciating all that I had. He taught me that digital was art in itself and if I wanted to truly be great at it I had to learn more with design. He never gave me compliments that I didn't deserve. In my final critique in his class, the other students thought I was one of the best and he pointed out that I had a lot of work to do. I took typography and worked on my digital skills to earn his respect and my own.

In class other students would ask me for help all the time and I loved helping, but thought that John didn't like it. He was just noticing me, because he told me that I am good with helping others and asked me to be his assistant at the same camp where I first met him. By the end of camp he made it clear that I should teach and pushed me to pursue it. I had always had an interest but never really went after it. John told Community Arts Partnership about me and the whole world it felt like since everyone kept asking me if I was going to teach. And that is why I teach.

On May 5th 2008 I had my big final critique with my department. John and I would always joke how every year he wouldn't get to come to my critiques based on the schedule, so I was used to him not being there. At the end of the critique I was told that John has passed away. I did not know the pain that overwhelmed me, I had never lost a friend.

John was my first teacher that I had a connection with, and I hope to give back what he gave me; hope.

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